ألفابيتا : الكاتب فهد فلقي
فهد فلقي
فهد فلقي Fahad H. Falqi holds an M.S. in Chemical Engineering from King Fahad University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM) in Saudi Arabia. He has extensive experience in the areas of process engineering and project management, and business development. Falqi is a certified PMP (Project Management Professional). He has worked in over five mega-scaled grassroots petrochemicals projects with various contractors oversea- leading them from the blueprints to actual completion of the project and further on, guiding them to success at each step from the business development standpoint, as well as from the technical and managerial perspectives. Falqi also published a paper related to industrial waste water treatment using adsorption process after conducting experimental and theoretical works during his M.S. study. Falqi is currently working with TASNEE Company (Second largest Petrochemicals Company at Saudi) in business and project development and also studying PhD program in Chemical Eng at KFUPM on part-time basis. He published a book titled “The Miracle of Petrochemicals: Olefins Industry” for worldwide release and publication by Universal Publishers (US Publisher). And also lunched his website www.olefinsonline.com He is a Life Member, in Project Management Institute (PMI) and American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE);